コントリビュート履歴 (Contribution History)


Boost C++ Libraries


バグ報告、パッチ送付、機能リクエスト(bug report, send patch, feature request) query

  1. #4388 apply failure : map_keys, map_values to array
  2. #4454 iterator range output format, and for IO adaptor
  3. #4623 at() member function to ordered_index/hashed_index
  4. #4814 add initializer_list constructor
  5. #5137 any_range : boost/range/concepts.hpp is missing
  6. #5142 type_erased feels unnecessary.
  7. #5314 wrong example in document
  8. #5319 BOOST_HAS_VARIADIC_TMPL defined in non-C++0x environment.
  9. #5324 tuple document is broken
  10. #5427 endpoint compile error in Windows CE 6.0
  11. #5428 No <ctime> function in Windows CE 6.0
  12. #5429 compile error in Windows CE 6.0(std::abort)
  13. #5430 compile error in Windows CE 6.0(std::strerror)
  14. #5431 compile error in Windows CE 6.0(interlocked)
  15. #5457 typo document : is_stateless
  16. #5458 typo document : is_virtual_base_of
  17. #5459 mistake document? : boost::is_convertible
  18. #5460 mistake document : boost::conditional include boost/type_traits.hpp
  19. #5461 mistake document : boost::conditional include by boost/type_traits.hpp
  20. #5491 invalid result for user defined type
  21. #5492 property_tree : now requires locale
  22. #5504 Regex : unused variable warning
  23. #5505 Format : int conversion to bool warning
  24. #5744 [geometry] mistake fusion adapt example
  25. #5747 [geometry] unused variable warning
  26. #5748 [geometry] need include <boost/foreach.hpp>
  27. #6061 prim_minimum_spanning_tree document : missing “end for”
  28. #6178 missing include covered_by.hpp
  29. #6183 [move][doc] missing return type
  30. #6371 [graph] compile error directed_graph/undirected_graph
  31. #6499 [move][doc] missing at() document
  32. #6679 [asio] request : repeat timer
  33. #6795 [type_traits] typo decay document
  34. #6825 [Heap] compile error : fibonacci_heap::s_handle_from_iterator
  35. #6875 [signals2] compilation error in fnoexception
  36. #6962 [function] missing document function::assign()
  37. #6967 [ICL] dead link in document
  38. #6990 [graph] hash_setS is not std::hash_set
  39. #6993 [graph] typo Bundled Properties document
  40. #7071 [config] duplicate macro documentation
  41. #7104 [algorithm] compile error boyer_morre_search
  42. #7662 need more description in reference doc
  43. #7686 missing namespace in docs
  44. #7721 [utility] want get() member function to boost::initialized
  45. #7771 [Graph] missing default argument in doc
  46. #7827 [range] cant compile r | indexed to range algorithm
  47. #7831 [lexical_cast] missing signature in doc
  48. #7976 [Atomic] undocument types and macros
  49. #8002 [Utility/string_ref] typo doc
  50. #8135 [lockfree] compile time capacity difference behavior
  51. #8292 [multiprecision] et_on with uBLAS become bad result
  52. #8957 [log] compile error: doc’s stream format tutorial sample
  53. #9205 [variant or mpl] compilation error VC2013
  54. #9254 [random] mistake documentation : kreutzer1986 size
  55. #10090 [graph] missing documentation : member functions for bundled property in adjacency_list
  56. #10224 [property map] compilation error : make_function_property_map
  57. #10226 [interprocess] undocumented : size_type
  58. GitHub website #36 fix minor typo in Boost.Geometry release note.
  59. GitHub serialization #6 add missing semicolon
  60. GitHub date_time #20 fix mistake doc example
  61. GitHub graph #25 fix minor mistake
  62. GitHub graph #26 breadth_first_search doc : fix figure number
  63. GitHub website #74 [1.58.0] Move release note : remove duplicate identifier
  64. GitHub type_erasure #8 fix unused parameter warning
  65. GitHub website #147 [1.61.0 release note] fix alphabetical order
  66. GitHub test #98 fix ticket number
  67. GitHub website #148 [1.61.0 release note][test] fix ticket number
  68. GitHub website #157 [1.61] fix typo geometry function names
  69. GitHub filesystem #31 fix signature stem(), extension() member functions
  70. GitHub website #179 Fix function name for Boost.Math release note
  71. GitHub website #203 1.63.0 release note : fix link
  72. GitHub website #227 1.64.0 : fix typo s/booststamp/bootstamp/
  73. GitHub interprocess #36 fix typo history : s/booststamp/bootstamp/
  74. GitHub website #492 1.73.0 fix lexical cast link
  75. GitHub beast #2007 release note : fix typo
  76. GitHub website #565 1.75.0 release note : fix alphabetical order
  77. GitHub website #655 1.78.0 : fix regex issues URL
  78. GitHub website #656 1.78.0 : file link for changelog of log library
  79. GitHub website #674 1.79.0 : fix typo
  80. GitHub website #704 1.80.0 : fix typo of GIL function name
  81. Github website #737 1.82.0 : fix issue number
  82. GitHub website #749 1.82.0 variant : fix feature name
  83. Github website #798 1.84.0 : remove duplicate line

機能のコミット(Commit features)

現在作業中の機能(Now working)

  • PStade.Ovenの機能をBoost.Rangeに移植(OvenToBoost)

C++ standards draft


pull request

  1. #27 “free functions” to “non member functions”
  2. #30 fixed typo : mersenne_twister_engine’s template parameter
  3. #164 weibull_distribution : add missing semicolon
  4. #171 linear_congruential_engine : fix typo
  5. #173 ranlux48 : fix typo
  6. #253 basic_string::replace description : fix missing words.
  7. #264 function::swap : remove noexcept.
  8. #286 shared_ptr : fix missing semicolon
  9. #345 fix missing <T> to valarray::operator=(initializer_list<T>)
  10. #1770 shared_ptr operator< : add missing typename
  11. #2824 add forward declaration of atomic class for atomic<shared_ptr<T>> (P0718R2)
  12. #3377 day’s operator- : add missing close bracket
  13. #4304 year_month_weekday ctor : fix object name
  14. #4391 atomic wait/notify_one/notify_all : add volatile constraints

GCC - GNU C++ Compiler

GCCと、libstdc++(GCC付属のC++標準ライブラリ + α)へのバグ報告

  1. Bug 53080 - tuple interface to std::array doesn’t check bounds
  2. Bug 53515 - InputIterator version std::advance needs negative check
  3. Bug 55847 - mistake bad_weak_ptr::what() message
  4. Bug 58098 - wrong return value of normal_distribution::min()
  5. Bug 58302 - compilation error : std::negative_binomial_distribution::operator(e, p)
  6. Bug 59709 - break program behavior with optimization
  7. Bug 62119 - dangling reference : gslice_array’s copy constructor
  8. Bug 65790 - compilation error : receive std::index_sequnece
  9. Bug 83891 - std::filesystem::path::is_absolute for Windows
  10. Bug 87226 - doesn’t work std::filesystem::directory_options::follow_directory_symlink
  11. Bug 90455 - braced-init and incomplete type instantiation
  12. Bug 91748 - doesn’t compile std::for_each_n with random access iterator range
  13. Bug 97613 - chrono::year_month_weekday cast to sys_days : return bad value if index() == 0
  14. Bug 115063 - compilation error: std::basic_stracktrace::max_size()


  1. Bug 38837 - doesn't work std::filesystem::directory_options::follow_directory_symlink
  2. clang++ outputs wrong warning for if constexpr and lambda capture combination #110080



  1. #145 Table parsing error



  1. #3005 Fix deadlink to release note



  1. #86 remove extra semicolon
  2. #90 fix unused parameter warning
  3. #91 fix unused parameter warning



  1. #1 Add header-only option



  1. #1 Exampleのuser/user.yamlがsample/yamlディレクトリにない



  1. #126 fix changed output color



  1. #1 README : 箇条書きの表示崩れを修正



  1. #74 clang >= 12.0 adds c++2b option